Financial Aid Info

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Programs

The cost of training for CET trainees is paid through a variety of sources. CET contracts with local and state agencies, and receives funding from private foundations to provide job training and placement. Because Brighton Center’s CET is an accredited institution, it is able to offer Financial Aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) as an additional funding source to qualified trainees.

All applicants are evaluated during the admissions process to determine eligibility for Financial Aid. CET’s Financial Aid Officer is available to help trainees assess their needs, identify sources of aid, and complete required forms.

The Federal Pell Grant and the Federal Student Educational Opportunity Grant programs provide grants to assist trainees in paying for post-secondary education. Grants do not have to be repaid. The amount of a grant is based on individual need. Any eligible trainee may apply for Financial Aid at any time during training but the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be received prior to graduation. Federal SEOG funds are limited and are awarded only to trainees with “exceptional need”. Trainees with exceptional need are those who have an expected family contribution of zero (based on an analysis from the FAFSA), who are otherwise eligible for the Federal Pell Grant program during the current award year, and are not receiving Federal Student Aid from other agencies.

Financial Aid Eligibility

Eligibility for financial aid at CET is based on need. Financial need is defined as the difference between a trainee’s cost of attendance at CET and the trainee or trainee’s family’s calculated ability to pay these expenses. In addition to be eligible for Financial Aid a trainee must:

  • Be admitted as a regular trainee.
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an eligible program on at least a half time basis.
  • Be a citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  • Not owe money on a federal student loan or have made arrangements to repay it.
  • Notify the school if you are in default on a federal student loan.
  • Be making satisfactory progress (as defined by CET’s policy).
  • Be registered for Selective Service (if male born on or after January 1, 1960).
  • Have a High School Diploma or a GED to be eligible for federal student aid.
  • Agree to use any federal student aid received solely for educational purposes.


How to Apply for Aid

Applicants should contact CET’s Financial Aid office for the necessary forms and guidance during the admissions process. An applicant will need to sign up for an FSA ID at then complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Information is available and applications can be completed via the internet at This form is used to determine eligibility and amount of award for each type of Federal Student Aid. The form is available on the web and can be completed with the Financial Aid Officer during the financial aid interview. Documentation to substantiate information provided on the FAFSA is required. There is no charge to file for financial aid.

Financial Aid Payments

In order to receive payment of Federal Financial Aid funds, a trainee must be making satisfactory academic progress, must be in compliance with the attendance policy, and must be in the proper payment period for disbursement.

Trainee financial aid disbursements are made no later than fourteen (14) days after the funds are received from the United States Department of Education. Financial Aid disbursements are credited directly to the trainee’s cost of attendance at CET.

Financial Aid Award Notification

CET will notify each trainee in writing of the amount of the funds that he or she (and his or her parents if applicable) can expect to receive for each Federal Student Aid program, including Federal Work Study, and how and when the funds will be dispersed. This will be done through an Enrollment Agreement which is signed by each enrolling trainee. The Enrollment Agreement explains all financial aid awarded through Title IV (including how and when funds are dispersed) or through third-party funders, and explains the financial liability enrolled students will incur by attending the Center for Employment Training.

The Financial Aid Officer administers the Enrollment Agreement, and is available during normal business hours for any questions regarding financial aid. The Enrollment Agreement is completed at the end of Orientation by the Financial Aid Officer and before any financial aid is awarded or disbursed. A copy of this Agreement will be placed in the Financial Aid file for each trainee. Trainees that are selected for Federal Work Study will receive written notification from the Financial Aid Officer prior to their first day of work study. A copy of this notification will also be placed in trainee’s Financial Aid file.

Method and Frequency of FA Disbursements

Trainee financial aid disbursements are made no later than fourteen (14) days after the funds are received from the United States Department of Education. Financial Student Aid disbursements are first credited directly to the trainee’s cost of attendance at CET. Any remaining FSA funds will be disbursed to the trainee after tuition and fees are paid in full.

Additional Information

Further information on Federal Student Aid Programs can be found online at

Applicants for Federal Student Aid are required to disclose their social security numbers. Social Security Numbers are used to verify identities, to process the awarding of funds, and to trace individuals who have borrowed funds from federal, state, or private sources.

Verification Policy

Verification is the process of confirming the accuracy of trainee reported data on financial aid applications. Only a portion of the trainee population is selected for verification.

Selection of Applications to be Verified

If the Central Processing System (CPS) selects a FAFSA application for verification, the FAO will verify the elements required by the Verification Tracking Group to which the application has been assigned (V1-V6). In addition to verifying these required items for CPS-selected trainees, CET can choose to verify any other application items, requiring reasonable documentation, in accordance with consistently applied institutional policies. CET will decide which trainees must provide documentation for any additional data elements and what constitutes acceptable documentation.

Verification Time Frame

The FAO will inform applicants of documentation required to complete verification and the time frame in which the documents must be submitted. Delays in submitting verification documentation may affect the availability of financial aid. Verification must be complete before the FAO may exercise professional judgment to adjust any values that are used to calculate EFC. If a trainee submits documentation which appears fraudulent, the FAO will notify the CET Coordinator for further action.

Document Collection Procedures

Documents for verification are date stamped and kept in the financial aid file. Verification is complete when all required documents are received, any conflicting information is corrected on the FAFSA, and the FAO is satisfied that the verified accurate information has been reported to CPS.

Documentation submitted for verification must be legible, appropriate, and have the trainee's social security number for identification purposes. If the trainee submits a document which is not legible (i.e., a copy of a tax return in which the income numbers are not identifiable), appropriate (a tax return is requested and the trainee submits a W-2), or identifiable (trainee submits a copy of a stepparent’s tax return without claiming the trainee as a dependent or last name matching), the documents will be returned and additional documentation will be required.

Verification Processing Time

Financial aid funds are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Federal Student Aid is not available to the trainee until verification is complete. Therefore, trainees who fail to submit verification documents cannot be awarded Federal Student Aid.

Notification of Verification to Applicants

Trainees are notified by the FAO that their FAFSA has been selected for verification. Trainees also are notified on their Student Aid Report (SAR) that they have been selected for verification. Trainees are notified by the FAO once verification is complete and Federal Student Aid is available.

Verification of Data Elements

CET systematically verifies the data elements flagged by CPS for verification (V1-V6). The FAO may request for additional information if further investigation is needed to resolve a discrepancy. The Verification Worksheet must include all required signatures.

Adjusted Gross Income

Adjusted Gross Income is verified by comparing a copy of the trainee, spouse, or parent income tax return transcripts. Discrepancies outside of tolerance levels must be corrected before further processing.

U.S. Income Tax Paid

U.S. Income Tax paid is verified by comparing a copy of the trainees, spouse, or parent income tax return transcripts. Discrepancies outside of tolerance levels must be corrected before further processing.

Household Size

Household size is verified by comparing the Verification Worksheet to federal data. Discrepancies must be corrected before further processing.

Number in Postsecondary Institutions

Number of family members enrolled at least halftime in postsecondary institutions is verified by comparing the Verification Worksheet to federal data. Discrepancies must be corrected before further processing.

Tolerances of Discrepancies

When verifying a trainee's record, there are two instances when a discrepancy in information will not need to be corrected.

  1. When the absolute value of the discrepancies does not exceed $400.
  2. When the EFC is 0 and a recalculation determines the EFC would remain 0.


Correction Procedures

The trainee will meet with the FAO and provide documentation or written statements for verification of corrections. FAFSA corrections can be completed by the FAO or by the trainee with an active FSA ID. The FAO can assist trainees with accessing FAFSA to make corrections or to obtain a valid FSA ID.


FAO policies and procedures are designed to eliminate the possibility of an overpayment from any fund. If however, an overpayment does occur, the trainee is placed on hold until the overpayments can be corrected. Because private third party funders pay educational costs, if a balance exists, it is unlikely that direct overpayment to a trainee will occur. FAFSA Adjustments (Professional Judgment)

There are very limited circumstances whereby the FAO may make adjustments to the data elements on the FAFSA or to override a trainee’s dependency status. The formula that calculates the EFC cannot be changed. However on a case by case basis, dictated by special circumstance, adjustments to data impacting the family income or assets can be made and applied to the standard formula, possibly yielding a new EFC figure. The FAO may require additional documentation to approve data or dependency changes.

Interim Disbursements

CET does not allow interim disbursements. Trainees must complete the verification process before Federal Student Aid is originated or disbursed. Exceptions must include extenuating circumstances, be documented in the trainee’s folder, and be monitored by the FAO and approved by the Coordinator.

Referral of Fraud Cases

If any school employee suspects that a trainee, employee, or other individual has misre¬ported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain FSA funds, CET will report suspicions and provide evidence to the Of¬fice of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG hotline is 1-800-MIS-USED.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG is a Campus Based financial aid assistance program for trainees who demonstrate exceptional financial need. The FSEOG program is federally funded for the purpose of helping the financially needy trainees meet the cost of postsecondary education. This program is administered by CET; however, FSEOG funds are awarded only to Pell Grant recipients and are awarded to Pell recipients with the lowest EFC’s first.

Determining Eligibility

In order to determine eligibility for any federal financial aid program, trainees must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have the results sent to CET. The FAO will accept results through electronic transmission with the Central Processing System (CPS). Trainee eligibility is determined only through the CPS of the Department of Education using the Federal Methodology need analysis formula. The FAO must have an official EFC before eligibility for any fund may be determined. FSEOG grants are awarded only to trainees who qualify for a Pell Grant and with the lowest EFC’s.

Trainees will receive written notification of the amount of their FSEOG eligibility as well as how funds are to be disbursed.

Awarding FSEOG

Matching Award Requirement

CET matches the federal allocation of FSEOG funds by 25%. As CET is open enrollment/open exit, FSEOG funds will be made available equitably throughout the year by month in consideration of multiple start dates.


In the event of an overaward, the trainee's account is placed on hold until such time that the overpayment is rectified.


Financial aid records are maintained in trainee folders. Trainee records include the ISIR, demonstrating need and FSEOG eligibility through a zero EFC. The Coordinator, the FAO, and the Accounting Office are responsible for account management and appropriate record security for all FSA transactions.

Trainee Eligibility

FSEOG funds are awarded only to first-time undergraduates who are Pell eligible who have a demonstrated financial need, normally represented through a zero EFC.

Selection Process

Federal Student Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) funds are available each month in a limited capacity to CET trainees who demonstrate significant need with a zero expected family contribution (EFC).

Amount of Award

The FAO self-imposes a maximum award of $1,000 to ensure that the greatest number of trainees have an opportunity to receive FSEOG funds. In no instance will FSEOG funds when combined with Pell funds and third party funds exceed educational expenses.


FSEOG funds are disbursed only after an official EFC from the Department of Education has been received. Offered aid must be accepted by the trainee via the Enrollment Agreement.

To determine the amount of each disbursement, CET will divide the total FSEOG by the number of payment periods the trainee will attend, which at CET is 2 payment periods.

Federal Work Study

Federal Work Study (FWS) is a Campus Based program available to trainees on a limited basis. Generally, trainees who are eligible for FSA, are able to perform essential functions of work study positions and are in satisfactory academic progress are eligible for short-term employment through FWS funded positions. Due to the limited amount of FWS funding available, trainees are not awarded FWS funded positions as part of an initial financial aid package.

Tuition Policy

CET’s tuition schedule is based on the clock hours required on average to complete all curriculum competencies. The tuition amount remains constant, even if an individual trainee requires more or less time to complete the program. CET tuition is due at enrollment unless other arrangements are made; any tuition not covered by the total secured funds is the responsibility of the trainee.

When tuition is paid in whole or in part by a 3rd party funder, CET will negotiate the terms of payment of tuition with those entities.

With private pay individuals, tuition is due at enrollment unless other arrangements have been made. CET does not charge a withdrawal fee or a registration fee, and textbooks may be available to borrow, as long as they may remain at CET. Trainees will want to purchase their own textbook and may be required to purchase other equipment depending on the training skill division. Refunds are based on the CET refund policy described below.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Tuition $8350.00
Books and supplies estimate $400.00
Room and Board estimate $7000.00
Transportation costs estimate $720.00


Textbook Pricing and Information

Textbook titles, ISBN numbers, and pricing information is available in the Consumer Publications handout for trainees who would like to purchase their own textbook.

Textbook Availability

CET makes textbooks available to trainees within seven days after official enrollment. After completing Orientation, trainees will have full access to required textbooks for their skill division, either by purchase or with a loaner textbook.

Covered Certifications

CET will cover the cost of some certifications for trainees who have successfully completed the required competencies in their skill. Covered certifications vary by skill division; contact your Skill Instructor or Success Coach for more information.

Cancellation Rights

A trainee has the right to cancel his or her enrollment until midnight of the tenth training day after the first day he or she attends training. A training day is defined as a day on which a trainee is scheduled to attend training. Notice of cancellation must be in writing and must be delivered by hand or U.S. Postal Service to the Center for Employment Training.

Return to Title IV (R2T4) Policy

CET is committed to ensuring compliance with all required regulations for Return to Title IV, HEA programs. When a trainee receiving a Title IV grant withdraws from CET during a payment period in which he or she began attendance, CET will determine the amount of the Title IV grant that the trainee has earned as of the trainee’s withdrawal date (last day of attendance per CET’s attendance records) and return Title IV funds as appropriate to regulations. Trainees are provided a written copy of all policies through the Trainee Catalogue prior to enrollment as well as availability through Consumer Information.

Refund Policy

Trainees have the right to withdraw from a course of instruction at any time by providing a dated written notice of withdrawal to CET’s Financial Aid Office. Trainees who withdraw from training after the ten day cancellation period may be eligible for a refund of financial aid, though if the trainee did not pay tuition out-of-pocket, the refunded financial aid will be returned to the Department of Education as calculated by the R2T4 refund worksheet. Any remaining tuition that must be refunded after Title IV funds have been returned will be returned to the third-party funders.

The Enrollment Agreement is signed by each trainee enrolling and is kept by the FAO. The Enrollment Agreement explains all financial aid awarded through Title IV (including how and when funds are dispersed) or through third-party funders, and explains the financial liability enrolled students will incur by attending the Center for Employment Training. The Financial Aid Officer administers the Enrollment Agreement, and is available during normal business hours for any questions regarding financial aid. The Enrollment Agreement is completed at the end of Orientation by the Financial Aid Officer and before any financial aid is awarded or disbursed. A copy of this Agreement will be placed in the Financial Aid file for each trainee. Trainees that are selected for Federal Work Study will receive written notification from the Financial Aid Officer prior to their first day of work study. A copy of this notification will also be placed in trainee’s Financial Aid file.

The withdrawing trainee is obligated to pay for educational services rendered. If a financial aid recipient withdraws before earning sufficient Title IV or other funds to cover incurred training costs, the trainee will be responsible for the unpaid portion of incurred training costs.

  1. No charges will be incurred within the first ten days of enrollment, within which cancellation rights can be executed.
  2. After the 10th day of classes and during the first 10% of the period of financial obligation, CET shall refund at least 90% of the tuition;
  3. After the first 10% of the period of financial obligation and until the end of the first 25% of the period of obligation, CET shall refund at least 50% of the tuition;
  4. After the first 25% of the period of financial obligation and until the end of the first 50% of the period of obligation, CET shall refund at least 25% of the tuition; and,
  5. After 50% of the period of financial obligation, CET may retain all of the tuition.

The period of financial obligation includes all scheduled hours from the trainee’s start date. Only unearned aid remaining after Return to Title IV calculations will be eligible for return to third-party funders.

Refund Examples

Refund examples are provided to trainees to assist them with understanding how Title IV refunds and CET refunds work. Please see attached copies of the Refund Examples.

  • Student A has completed over 60% of the scheduled clock hours for the course.
  • Student B has not completed 60% of the scheduled clock hours for the course.



A trainee may voluntarily withdraw from CET at any time by providing a dated written notice of withdrawal to CET’s Financial Aid Office. CET reserves the right to withdraw a trainee if the trainee does not comply with CET’s rules and policies. The trainee will be notified of such a decision at his or her last address of record. The withdrawing trainee is obligated to pay for educational services rendered. If a financial aid recipient withdraws before earning sufficient Title IV or other funds to cover incurred training costs, the trainee will be responsible for the unpaid portion of incurred training costs.

Return to Title IV Procedures

Withdraw Date

The official withdraw date is the last date of attendance as determined by CET’s attendance records, since CET is considered an institution required to take attendance. This date is used for all trainees who cease attendance, including those who take an unapproved LOA, and those who officially withdraw. CET allows 14 calendar days to make a determination of a trainee’s intent to withdraw if written notice is not received by school personnel.

CET is not required to administratively withdraw a trainee who has been absent for 14 days (or less if applicable). However, after 14 days, CET will have determined whether the trainee intends to return to classes or to withdraw. If the trainee is eventually determined to be a withdrawal, the end of the 14-day period begins the timeframe for completing a Return of Title IV Funds calculation.

Method of Calculating Return to Title IV Funds

The Financial Aid Office will complete a Department of Education approved “Treatment of Title IV Funds when a Student Withdraws from a Clock Hour Program” worksheet to calculate how much Title IV aid has been earned by the withdrawing trainee. This calculation occurs for all withdrawn financial aid recipients (anyone who does not complete the program), even if the withdrawal date occurs after the 60% point in the payment period or period of enrollment.

Since CET is a clock hour program, the trainee will earn 100% of the Title IV grant if he or she completes 60% of the clock hours scheduled to be completed for the payment period or period of enrollment.

There are no institutional charges at CET for supplies, books, or equipment, so there are not institutional charges reflected the Return to Title IV Funds Calculation.

Return to Title IV Timeframes

Within 30 days of the date of determination of withdraw, the “Treatment of Title IV Funds when a Student Withdraws from a Clock Hour Program” worksheet will be completed. Within 45 days of the date of determination of withdraw, CET will return all unearned funds to Title IV.

Order of Return to Title IV

CET will return all unearned Title IV aid in the required order-of-return, meaning Pell funding will be refunded first, then FSEOG funds, then FWS funds if applicable.

CET will disburse directly to a trainee any amount of a post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds that is not credited to the trainee’s account. CET will make the disbursement as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after the date of CET’s determination that the trainee withdrew.

Post-Withdraw Disbursements

Grant funds from a post-withdrawal disbursement can be credited to a trainee’s account up to the amount of outstanding allowable charges. CET must disburse grant funds no later than 45 days after the date of determination that the trainee withdrew. No post-withdrawal disbursement may be made to the account or estate of a student who has died.

Trainee Responsibility for Returning Unearned Aid

All Pell and FSEOG grant funds are disbursed directly to trainee accounts to pay tuition costs. Trainees do not receive grant funds for educational expenses, so there is no time that a trainee would need to directly return unearned aid to Title IV.


All FSEOG funds are included in the calculation to Return to Title IV. The nonfederal share of FSEOG program funds are excluded because CET meets its FSEOG matching share by the aggregate method.

Leave of Absence

A trainee may be granted an official Leave of Absence (LOA) by CET. A LOA will allow the trainee to suspend scheduled course hours for the duration of the leave. This will allow the absences during that time to not count against scheduled course hours to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.

A request for LOA must be submitted to the Skill Instructor prior to the first day of the leave and be approved by the CET administration. The LOA request must give the reason for the leave, be dated, and be signed by the requesting trainee. For unforeseen circumstances preventing the trainee from completing a written request prior to the LOA, CET may still grant the LOA request in the trainee’s absence. The LOA request must be signed by the trainee upon return, and documented in the trainee’s file. The date of the approved LOA would be the first date the trainee was absent.

LOA may be granted if CET has a reasonable expectation that the trainee will return from the leave. An extension to a LOA beyond the original date may be granted, if CET receives appropriate documentation prior to the end of the LOA period. If necessary, a trainee may have multiple leaves of absence; however, under no circumstances may a trainee exceed 180 days cumulative LOA time in a 12-month period. The number of days in a LOA 12-month period is counted beginning with the first day of the first LOA.

Because training is self-paced, returning trainees resume work where they left off prior to the LOA. If a trainee does not return to CET at (or before) the end of their LOA, CET will consider the trainee as having withdrawn from the program as of their last day of attendance. The LOA will not involve any additional charges to the trainee by CET.

File Security

All trainee files must remain secure at all times in double locked areas (locked file cabinet in a room that may also be locked). Hard copy files containing financial aid information will be safeguarded at all times.


Trainees are responsible for their own medical costs during their attendance at CET. Although CET carries limited liability accident insurance for externships, each trainee should have his or her own medical coverage for unforeseen health problems or accidents.

Annual Campus Security Report - 2023

601 Washington Ave, Suite 140
Newport, KY 41071
Phone: (859) 491-8303 x2201
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